P I Z Z A    &   G R A T I T U D E

Have you thanked you for something in your life today? 

I practice this exercise in gratitude every morning when waking up or falling asleep, and the truth is, we all have many reasons in our lives to be grateful! 

...for simply being alive!! 

...be healthy!! 

...be able to walk!!

 ..feel the wind in your face!! 

...have water and food!!

 ... I thank every day, also for my daughter, who, in addition to being my greatest TREASURE, makes me overcome every daily challenge. that rolls behind that "pink" curtain is a veritable rainbow of emotions.. !!It's a time of loss and reunion, of reflection and exhaustion but above all discovering the real meaning of the word "Love" ...tell them that it's not a real BLESSING?!

 I believe this routine of gratitude made me a happier person with myself and with the world And as happiness comes with good food, today I felt like having pizza for lunch!



  •  medium sweet potatoes- 3
  • Turmeric and Black Pepper by Iswari (use my code #maeguru for 10% discount)-  1 tablespoon
  •  oat- 4 tablespoons 
  • linseed flour oregano to taste almond milk (unsweetened)-  4 tablespoons of


  • In a blender add the raw sweet potatoes and black pepper with turmeric and mash. 
  • Separately add 4 tablespoons of flaxseed flour, warm water and stir. 
  • Add to the blender mix, along with the oats and oregano to taste. 
  • Grind again and gradually add almond milk until a homogeneous paste is obtained.
  •  In a pre-heated oven at 180º, place this dough on a round tray lined with parchment paper and bake for about 15 minutes. 
  • Remove from oven and turn the dough to cook on the other side and leave for another 10 minutes 
  • The base is ready, now just take the ingredients you want to brown. 
  • I put on tomato sauce, vegan pesto, sliced ​​garlic and onion, mushrooms, red peppers, Violife vegan mozzarella cheese and sprinkled with oregano and turmeric and black pepper mixture. 
  • Put it in the oven again for about 10 minutes and it's ready for this healthy delight without animal cruelty. 
  • Is it or is it not a great reason to be Thankful?

Don't forget, we are what we eat and what we think, so eat with awareness and love